State of Sustainable Fleets 2020
The State of Sustainable Fleets is the first technology-neutral, comprehensive industry report that examines the current state of the most prevalent sustainable vehicle platforms for medium- and heavy-duty on-road transportation fleets across the U.S., while analyzing the trends shaping the future of the industry. Through interviews and surveys, the report gathers data from fleets who have real-world experience deploying sustainable vehicle technologies, supplemented by data from original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and infrastructure providers.
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2020 Key Findings
Sustainable Fleets are Growing
Sustainable vehicle and fuel use is growing across all categories of medium and heavy-duty alternative fuel vehicles: natural gas, propane, battery electric vehicles, and hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles.
Sustainable Technology More Than a Trend
98% of fleets surveyed currently using sustainable technology expect to continue at the same level or increase their use of these vehicles and fuels.
Sustainability a Top Fleet Motivator
Sustainability is the top motivator for purchasing decisions among early-adaptor public, private, and event for-hire fleets in deploying clean vehicle technologies.
Renewable Fuels Can Perform
Fleets confirm there is no material performance loss when switching to most renewable fuels – renewable diesel, natural gas, and electricity – and would use more when it is a cost-neutral, drop-in replacement.